Organiztion of dots Provides students' with prctice in projecting virtual relationships through tasks that require a student to identify and outline given figures within a...
View full product details$9.50
Comparisons increase the students' ability to differentiate between parameters of comparison and develops critical thinking involved in comparative behavior. The instrument provides concepts, labels, and...
View full product details$9.50
Orientation in space I addresses the poor articulation, differentiation, and respresentation of space that may result from an inability to detach oneself from one's own...
View full product details$9.50
Analytic Perception enhances students' ability to differentiate ( divide a whole into its part). and integrate ( join parts into a whole). Adaptation to the...
View full product details$9.50
Categorization is based on successful comparison, differentiation, and discrimination. This instrument helps students develop the flexibility and divergent thinking necessary for categorization and re-categorization of...
View full product details$9.50
Temporal Relations develops students' ability to use concepts of time to describe and order their experiences. An adequate orientation to time is important to relational...
View full product details$9.50
Numerical Progressions Numerical Progressions helps students search for deduced relationships between seperate objects or events. Students draw accurate coclusions regarding the rules and formulae of...
View full product details$5.00
To administer Feuerstein Online IE digital Organization of dots, you only need to buy an administration for each pupil you would like to work. As...
View full product details$5.00
To administer Feuerstein Online IE digital Analytic Perception, you only need to buy an administration for each pupil you would like to work. As a...
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